Bridge Transitions Class

Last Thursday Art Clubbers and I had the last part of my Advanced Tangle Transitions class. Although I find bridges to be super tricky to shade, I was really pleased with the results. The final pieces never disappoint with this method, with such detail and intricacy.

We started the class by reviewing the concept of transitional elements and bridges: smaller tangles placed along the edges as to dissolve the string.

For this class I selected a Moon String, and the following tangles: Bales, Fife, Sedgling, Indy-rella (all Zentangle) and also Heartrope (Bunny Wright) and Wartz (Genevieve Crabe).

Tangling with bridges is quite fun, there is a lot to do and to add.

Among other things, we added the concept of “Invasion", when one tangle takes over the string section of another. Super fun concept.

I feel the line-art always has a bit of a messy look with this strategy, but nothing that a good amount of shading won't fix:

Here's the final picture after a lot more shading was added:

Here are two more pictures I played with before class, using the same tangles:

And here are some of the pictures made by the students during the live Zoom class. Look at all that detail!

The recorded video of this session is part of my Advanced Tangle Transitions course, which also includes Edgework, Blending and much more.

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