Tangled Words lesson now back again

So I didn't manage to get ALL my older lessons into the new system on teachable, so I continue to plug along. Who knew there were so many! This one is a really fun lesson on how to create tangled words and quotes that REALLY can be read.

I love ornate letters and words, but one thing that bothers me is that often enough you cannot read the letters legibly. In this letter, we explore how CONTRAST is vital to keep legibility and create successful embellished quotes.

The lesson starts by showing the difference and requirements of using over the top embellished letters versus self contained letters. You really can do anything you want, as LONG as you maintain the contrast.

The lesson shows how to carefully prepare the letters using the right tangles that can reinforce the shape of each letter, for greater effectiveness.

Next, we work on a project, beginning to end, showing how to center and plan the layout of the letters, how to tangle and how to create contrast between letters even when they are smushed all together :-)

The project even shows how to prepare and tangle the background — completely full of tangles — and you can STILL read the quotes, due to careful contrast planning.

This is the final project shown in the lesson, you can see how clearly the quote can be read, even though the entire paper is covered with tangles.

You can find this lesson now, back again, at my lesson shop.