Star Lattice Class

Last Thursday Art Clubbers and I had the first class of 2022, covering the Star Lattice. It was a LOOOOONG class, because that’s the nature of this design — good for breaking down into little pieces and doing it a little at a time.

Here’s a before and after completion:

We started the class developing the Star Lattice itself over watercolor paper which had been treated and tinted.

Next we proceeded to filling in the section using a variety of media - fineliners, colored pencils and gel pens.

The design is time consuming and super tiny, but the result is incredible:

Here's a close-up for you to inspect:

The class was packed to the hilt - 99 participants! Here are some of the results of the brave Clubbers who stayed the entire almost 4 hours (with breaks, of course). Amazing!!!!!

Feel free to pin or share these pictures if you like.