Small Treasures Part 1

Yesterday Art Clubbers and I started a new project called “Small Treasures”. This is a mix of black and white and brown pen ZIA project over distressed papers.

We worked on two fun enhancers: Encapsulate and Edgework. Encapsulate is a concept of my own invention where only a few fragments of a tangle are treated in a way to form a tight, encapsulate nugget-like shape.

Here are some examples of encapsulated tangles:

In order to work, encapsulated tangles use a lot of “Edgework”, another enhancer of my own invention, where the edge of a tangle along the string line is treated to work 3-Dimensional.

In Part 1 of this project we prepared the distress paper partially and created an encapsulated design. Here are some of the samples I had made beforehand using encapsulated Fishskirt (my own tangle).

In Part 2 we will complete the project, embellish and shade.

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Remember that all Copyright is 2023 Eni Oken