Overlapping Tangles Part 3

Yesterday Art Clubbers and I had the third and last part of the Overlapping Tangles class. We used three different tangles to explore the concepts of overlap, you can see the different samples above using Pendrills, Cyme and Fife (all three Zentangle).

We started by exploring a layering stop-and-go technique to understand how to create layered effects, and here you can see two different examples using the same tangles. The challenge of this technique is to create contrast and clarity between tangles.

Cyme was used in combination with Pendrills to form a flower/artichoke design:

We alternated the tangles to form a rich, intricate piece.


Next, we applied dramatic shading to separate the tangles from each other.


This concludes the Overlapping Tangles series!

Feel free to pin or share these pictures if you like.