Framed and Cornered Lesson

Last Saturday Art Clubbers and I had a wonderful class on how to create Frames around single tangled motifs. This Art Enhancer, combined with a Tangled Background, can really pivot a simple tangled drawing and make it full of life.

I started with a simple (but dramatic) Spoken (Zentangle) and at the end of class had framed it in blue and purple. Here’s the drawing before and after the class:

This is a technique I have used many times before, so I had tons of examples to show:

We started the class with the examples and also by analyzing the different layouts and options when choosing how to add the frame.

Then we moved into the technique proper, creating the line-art and showing the different ways to tackle the frame around a tangled object.

When the frame was ready, we proceeded to color the background with watercolors and I show Clubbers two different techniques.

I used a combination of turquoise and purple. Love that combo!

The final step was to tangle the background and add the shading using colored pencils.

The class proper lasted for 2.5 hours and had about 75 participants live on zoom. After the class was over, about 30 people stayed on and we just chatted and continued to finish our drawings. WHAT FUN!!!!

Here’s a close-up of my project after it was entirely complete:

Feel free to pin or share these pictures if you like.