A little sneak preview... Illuminated Vines lesson

I'm so excited about this next lesson which is coming out tomorrow for Art Clubbers! I am a huge fan of Illuminated Manuscripts and collect quite a few books on the subject. For some reason, this time I was inspired to create an adaptation of early Renaissance 15th Century manuscripts, of French and Italian influence.

The idea was to adapt some of the beautiful scrollwork designs to modern day art supplies. I couldn't resist the temptation and ended up adding some shading and other details that are not typically found, but who cares! I love the results.

I used a variety of different materials, watercolor markers, colored pencils and more. I know this is not exactly Zentangle, but the process is HIGHLY meditative, and offered plenty of opportunity for Zen Flow. And I LOVE the results! I'll post more pictures about it tomorrow!

If you would like to learn more find information about the Lesson Bundle at the lesson shop