Shading Stacked Stripes

I got my first Ipad about 8 years ago, during the time when I was treating for stage 4 cancer. At that time, I was many times bed-ridden and could not create art of any kind. I found huge relief in colorizing and shading some of my drawings on Procreate, a super powerful painting app for the Ipad.

It's been a long while since I've done any art on the Ipad, especially after Zentangle entered my life. This month, I finally got a new Ipad with an Apple pencil (thanks mom!), and recaptured some of that lost bond with my device.

Just so you know, shading in Procreate doesn't take any less time than shading with a pencil over paper. In fact, it takes a little LONGER, because you can really zoom into those corners and you get a little addicted to fixing every little detail. However, in fact, the zoom feature is the thing I like the most about shading on the Ipad, because it really helps with my tired vision.

The second thing I like the most about shading on Procreate is the use of layers. Anyone who comes from a computer graphics background using Photoshop like me (used to be a computer graphics artist for 15 years, that was my job!), cannot live without layers.

The line-art was drawn on regular 4x4 inch paper using Sakura Micron 01 inking pen. Here you can see the line-art, which was created on regular real paper measuring 4x4 inches, with a Sakura Pigma Micron inking pen:

This was an exercise in creating different effects using Stacked Stripes. Some of the stripes are full ribbons, while others are made with fillers and perpendicular elements. Very fun personal challenge, reminds me a little of a geological profile of the earth.

I simply LOVE watching the 3D come to life in front of me, popping off from the page (or in this case, from the screen).