Art Raffle update: Guided version and Jody's Tangles

It's only been a week or so after the release of the Android version of the Art Raffle App, and here's another update? What's with this!?

Well, this is one that I really pressed Alan to work a little faster to get it released before the class I'm teaching tomorrow on how to use Art Raffle with Classic Black and White Zentangle.

In this update, you now can choose between starting a Freeform game (which is exactly as the app was before) or the new GUIDED version.


When using the GUIDED mode, you will get a simpler combination of only STRING AND TANGLES — not Art Enhancers — for a more classic Zentangle session.

First, you'll be offered a string option. You can reject or accept, but until you accept the string, the game keeps showing you strings.

Next, you'll be offered ONLY tangles — with a little nudge at the end to keep it simple and focus your creativity on fewer tangles rather than more.


Jody Genovese's Tangles: Elegance and Meditation

In this update, I also added 9 new tangles. I want to place special emphasis on Jody Genovese (Instagram here) who has a lovely collection of tangles. I did not fully realize how wonderful these tangles were until I actually started to recreate the step-outs and try them out myself.

I had already fallen in love with XLnt and Travel, but did not expect to enjoy Anthem, Oysteroid and Slyver this much. And Twilight!!! These tangles not only use repetitive strokes to promote an incredible amount of flow, but the results are always well thought and elegant. Bravo!

Here are all Jody's tangles which are now available in the app (some were released before today).

Also included in the app are QuaSahnt (Heidi Kay) and Nzeppel (Zentangle). That's all I had time for between the last update and now.

Once again I want to thank Alan for his incredible dedication on working on this interesting update over the last week at an incredibly fast rate so that I could have it for the class tomorrow. He's amazing!

By the way the app is completely FREE, no strings attached.